Provider Alliance
~Current Provider Members Listed Below~
About being a Member of the Provider Alliance
THE PROVIDER ALLIANCE represents over eighty non-profit mental health agencies in Michigan, who serve thousands of adults and children with disabilities.
The Provider Alliance network is an integral part of Michigan’s mental health system, which provides a comprehensive network of services to promote consumer independence and inclusion in community life. The Provider Alliance membership helps provide local mental health services through a myriad of contracts with community mental health boards across the state of Michigan
The mission of The Provider Alliance is to provide a means to act as a group on matters affecting Michigan’s public mental health system.
THE PROVIDER ALLIANCE membership consists of all CMHAM affiliate members who provide direct services. They represent more than fifty agencies that serve thousands of adults and children each day.
Click Here for the Provider Alliance Membership Application.
1. RECOGNITION: Direct service providers are the foundation of Michigan’s community mental health and substance abuse treatment system. We know the service delivery system intimately; as it touches the daily life experience of the persons and families we serve. Our insight and knowledge are essential to maintaining an effective service delivery system.
2. STRENGTH: An effective community services system is built on strong capable direct service providers. To be worthwhile The Provider Alliance must contribute to the strength and capability of its members.
3. RATIONALITY: Successful service delivery requires judicious use of resources. Regulatory mechanisms must be sensible and uncomplicated. Bureaucracy must not create waste or hinder provision of services. Resources must be concentrated on enhancing the lives of the persons we serve.
4. ACTION: Without action, ideas are worthless. With focused action, a few can have great impact. TPA members act together so that our energies produce results.
5. CONTRIBUTION: An effective community mental health system requires partnership. Our activities focus on sustaining a dynamic partnership that provides clear benefit to persons served, their families, provider agencies, and managing authorities.
For More Information contact Michael Thompson, President of the Provider Alliance, at
Provider Alliance dues are structured as follows:
Provider organizations with annual budgets over $3 million: $2,645/year
Provider organizations with annual budgets of $1 million to $3 million: $1,200/year
Provider organization with annual budgets of $1 million or less: $474/year
- Access to Association’s weekly electronic newsletter The Weekly Update
- Discounts on Association conferences and trainings for organization’s employees and board members
- Discounts on National Council for Behavioral Health conferences and trainings for organization’s employees and board members
- Discounts (16.7% of the full price) on a wide range of corporate sponsor/exhibitor opportunities
- Participation in monthly meetings of the Provider Alliance during which information on a range of topics is reviewed and discussed, often leading to the development of recommendations to the Association
- Access to a dedicated governmental affairs lobbyist to help with issues specific to the legislative needs of private providers
- Organization’s listing on the CMH Association of Michigan website
- Access to Association’s policy and legislative materials
- Early access to white papers from the Association’s Center for Healthcare Integration and Innovation (CHI2)
- Provider Alliance members participate in the governance of the CMH Association:
✓ Representatives of the Provider Alliance are members of the CMH Association’s Board of Directors and Standing Committees
✓ Representative of the Provider Alliance has a seat at the quarterly CMH Association’s Directors Forum
Provider Alliance members (or those applying to join the Provider Alliance) with annual budgets below $3 million, who wish to pay the reduced Provider Alliance dues associated with their budget size, must submit, to the CMH Association, their organization’s most recent audited financial statement that contains the organization’s annual budget. If an organization does not wish to submit such an audited statement, the organization’s Provider Alliance dues will be the dues of organizations with annual budgets greater than $3 million.
2024 Provider Alliance Meeting Dates (unless otherwise noted, all meetings are Zooom only)
- January 22, 10:00am
- February 26, 10:00am
- March 25, 10:00am
- April 22, 10:00am
- May 20, 10:00am
- June 24, 10:00am
- July 22, 10:00am
- August – No meeting
- September 23, 10:00am
- October 22, 7:45am (at fall conference – Grand Traverse Resort, Traverse City – No Zoom option available)
- November 25, 10:00am
- December meeting TBD
Provider Alliance Members
Addiction Treatment Services
- Grand Traverse
Adult Learning Systems-U.P.
- Marquette
All Well-Being Services
- Wayne
Alternative Services, Inc.
- Wayne
Arab Community Center for Economic & Social Servcies (ACCESS)
- All Counties - Entire State
Arbor Circle
- Kent
Assured Family Services
- Wayne
Bay Human Services, Inc.
- Bay
Beacon Specialized Living Services, Inc.
- Alcona
Bear River Health at Walloon Lake
- Charlevoix
Blue Water Developmental Housing, Inc.
- St. Clair
CARE of Southeastern Michigan
- Macomb
Carson Adult Foster Care
- Oakland
Cassopolis Family Clinic Network
- Berrien
- Cass
Centria Healthcare Autism Services
- All Counties - Entire State
Cherry Street Health Services
- Kent
Clubhouse Michigan
- All Counties - Entire State
CNS Healthcare
- Oakland
Common Ground
- Wayne
Community Housing Network, Inc.
- Wayne
Community Living Options
- Kalamazoo
Community Living Services
- Wayne
Community Medical Services
- All Counties - Entire State
Comprehensive Youth Services Inc. / Clinton Counseling Center
- Macomb
Consumer Direct Michigan
- All Counties - Entire State
CRC Recovery
Creekside Residential Care
- Ingham
Easterseals MORC
- Oakland
Elmhurst Home, Inc.
- Wayne
Ennis Center for Children, Inc.
- Genesee
- Livingston
- Oakland
F.W.O.G.C., Inc.
- Genesee
Flint/Saginaw Odyssey House
- Genesee
Great Lakes Recovery Centers, Inc.
- All Counties - Entire State
Harbor Hall, Inc
- Emmet
Heartland Center for Autism
- Ingham
Hegira Health, Inc.
- Wayne
Heritage Homes, Inc.
- Ottawa
Hope Network
- All Counties - Entire State
Innovative Housing Development Corp.
- St. Clair
Judson Center Autism Connections
- Oakland
Latino Family Services
- Wayne
Lincoln Behavioral Services
- All Counties - Entire State
Macomb County Provider Alliance
- Macomb
- Muskegon
Neighborhood Service Organization
- Wayne
New Direction Counseling Center, LLC
- Jackson
New Heights Service Solutions, LLC
- Oakland
Oakland Family Services
- Oakland
Ortele Telemedicine
- All Counties - Entire State
Perfectly Autistic, LLC
- Berrien
Phoenix House, Inc
- Houghton
Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services
- Kent
Provider Alliance of Wayne County
- Wayne
Rose Hill Center
- Oakland
Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
- Macomb
- St. Clair
Saginaw Psychological Services, Inc.
- Saginaw
Segue, Inc.
- Jackson
Services To Enhance Potential
- Wayne
Spectrum Community Services
- Wayne
Taylor Life Center
- Ingham
Ten Sixteen Recovery Network
- Midland
The Children's Center of Wayne County
- Wayne
The Guidance Center
- Wayne
Training and Treatment Innovations
- Oakland
Trinity Health - Behavioral Services
- All Counties - Entire State
- Washtenaw
Turning Leaf Behavioral Health Services
- All Counties - Entire State
Vista Maria
Vital Health Management
- Wayne
Wayne Center
- Wayne
Wellness, InX
- Ingham